Portrait Advice

5 tips to help you walk away from a family portrait session with stunning and authentic family images

Family Portraits

As parents we all want family photographs to capture those fleeting moments. We hear it all too often "they grow up too fast!!" We want to ensure that we have photographs to look back on, allowing us to revisit the memories of when our children were little. One of the biggest anxieties in booking a family session is that the children won't co-operate. Okay, maybe co-operate is stating it mildly. What if they cry, become introverted and shy, or even have a massive melt down? The truth is that some or all of these things may happen. Heck, they are kids - little kids. In my experience, children can run hot and cold in a very short amount of time. The highs are high and boy, the lows can be very low.

Tip #1

Mom and Dad - CHILL OUT!! :) But really :) Children feel your mood and their mood may reflect it. It's like blood in the water - and they smell your fear. There is no need to lecture in the car about how well behaved they need to be and how important it is to smile and look at the camera. Not well played, these super intuitive little people know how important these photos are to you and the don't want to disappoint you. But they are now feeling your stress and stress equals melt downs.

Tip #2

Laugh, Cuddle, Play , Smile, and SMILE some more!!! Stop worrying about what the kids are doing and just keep a happy face. We all know the saying misery loves company. Well I think happiness also loves company. If you can stay positive and playful, chances are much greater that your children will relax and I will get a chance to see their awesome personalities.

Tip #3

Keep them busy. Let's plan something to do at your session. Take a walk to their favourite park, build a sand castle, play tag or sing songs.

When people are entertained and engaged they are more likely to relax and enjoy the great time they are having.

Tip #4

Don't be critical. Stop the negative talk about how you are awkward in front of the camera or your spouse hates having photos taken. Let the kids smile their goofy grins and make funny faces. Those are the small details we want to capture.

Tip #5

Come to terms with the fact that things might not go "picture perfect". Children's emotions can be a wild card at any session. Embrace the fact that someone might cry, fall, get dirty or not sit still. This is what makes them, them. I say embrace the crazy. Hug out the cries, tickle the tantrums , chase hyper wild children that can't stay still. As cliche as it sounds, they are only little once and I promise that looking back on personalities over perfection will be worth it in the end :)